
Felipe Beline's blog

02 Oct 2018

Generative testing

The generative testing idea was initially implemented in a Haskell library called QuickCheck built by John Hughes and Koen Claessen at 1999. You can find the original paper here.

In the generative testing approach, the programmer provides specifications that a function should satisfy; then the test runner randomly generates test cases that attempts to falsify the provided specification. Once such a test is found, the input data is simplified to a minimal failing subset. (The process of reducing the failing input to a minimal subset is also known as shrinking).

Why does it matter?

When writing tests for a function you usually create no more than 3 to 5 different tests for it, but with generative testing, you can quickly generate thousands, and that exploratory behavior tends to find unpredicted scenarios. Also, is more comfortable to auto-generate tests than write them, just imagine how many input variations some functions could assume: negative, zero, empty, nil, one, many, etc.

The following examples will use the Clojure library test.check, see their website for more information.

Caesar cipher

To illustrate the usage of generative testing and how powerful it is, we will implement the Caesar cipher encryption.

(defn caesar-cypher [op text shift]
  (->> text
       (mapv #(-> % int (op shift) (mod 123) char))
       (apply str)))

(def encrypt (partial caesar-cypher +))
(def decrypt (partial caesar-cypher -))

Now let’s define the properties that our functions should hold. In that case, the decryption of an encrypted message should match the original text.

(require '[clojure.test.check :as tc]
         '[clojure.test.check.generators :as gen]
         '[clojure.test.check.properties :as prop])

(def caesar-cipher-property
  (prop/for-all [v gen/string-alphanumeric
                 n gen/int]
    (= v (-> v (encrypt n) (decrypt n)))))

As you can see we have two generators, one to the message (alphanumeric string) and one to the shift (int).

(tc/quick-check 1000 caesar-cipher-property)
=> {:result true, :pass? true, :num-tests 1000, :time-elapsed-ms 93, :seed 1538443015722}

The result shows to us that 1000 random tests were made and all of them passed. But if we change our text generator to be a string and not be limited to alphanumeric values, we should see an error as the implementation is not ready for special characters.

(def caesar-cipher-property
  (prop/for-all [v gen/string
                 n gen/int]
    (= v (-> v (encrypt n) (decrypt n)))))

(tc/quick-check 1000 caesar-cipher-property)
{:shrunk {:total-nodes-visited 44,
          :depth 6,
          :pass? false,
          :result false,
          :result-data nil,
          :time-shrinking-ms 2,
          :smallest ["" 0]},
 :failed-after-ms 0,
 :num-tests 5,
 :seed 1538443511706,
 :fail ["Ç" 3],
 :result false,
 :result-data nil,
 :failing-size 4,
 :pass? false}

After 5 test cases the property specification was invalidated with the input ["Ç" 3]. The minimal failing subset is demonstrated inside :shrunk.

So let’s change it to accept all the ASCII table values and test it again.

(defn caesar-cypher [op text shift]
  (->> text
       (mapv #(-> % int (op shift) (mod 256) char))
       (apply str)))

(def encrypt (partial caesar-cypher +))
(def decrypt (partial caesar-cypher -))

(def caesar-cipher-property
     (prop/for-all [v gen/string
                    n gen/int]
                  (= v (-> v (encrypt n) (decrypt n)))))

(tc/quick-check 1000 caesar-cipher-property)
=> {:result true, :pass? true, :num-tests 1000, :time-elapsed-ms 63, :seed 1538444040938}

Now the implementation is working for any valid character.


In order to give another example, we will test the clojure.core/flatten function. To do so, we specify a generator that creates nested lists of Integers.

(def nested-lists-gen (gen/list (gen/list gen/int)))

;; generating 3 random samples 
(gen/sample nested-lists-gen 3)
=> (() ((-1)) (()))

With the generator in hands, we define the property spec, asserting that after test.check apply the generated value to flatten it returns a list of Integers.

(def flatten-property
  (prop/for-all [v nested-lists-gen]
    (let [r (flatten v)]
      (every? integer? r))))

(tc/quick-check 100 flatten-property)
=> {:result true, :pass? true, :num-tests 100, :time-elapsed-ms 109, :seed 1538445795665}

As expected the flatten function property holds the specification.

Going further

The test.check has much more complex properties than those you’ve seen here, feel free to extend the examples and try it by yourself.

Some sources for further reading:

Til next time,
Felipe Beline Baravieira at 00:44